Ahmet Şık is a Journalist and Journalism is Not a Crime

Şık graduated from the Journalism department of Istanbul University, Faculty for Communication. Between 1991 and 2007, Şık worked for several newspapers such as Cumhuriyet, Radikal, Evrensel, and Yeni Yüzyıl. He has also worked at Nokta magazine and Reuters News Agency as a photo journalist.


Ahmet Şık, took a photo.

He is arrested because of tweet last month.

Şık, 46, tweeted: “I am being detained. I will be taken to the prosecutor’s office regarding a tweet.”He has been accused of spreading “terrorist propaganda”, reports say.

The state news agency Anadolu reported that Şık was arrested for ‘terrorist propaganda’. He is accused of insulting the government and propaganda for the Kurdish PKK movement. The reason for the arrest are articles by Şık in the newspaper Cumhuriyet and a tweet, Anadolu writes.

A representative of the opposition party CHP says Şık for the next five days will be allowed no contact with a lawyer. It may take up to thirty days before being brought before a judge.

Critic of Gülen and Erdoğan

Şık is a leading critic of the Gülen movement, seen by the Turkish Government as the instigator of the coup attempt in July. After the publication of his book The Imam’s Army in 2011 Şık was also in jail for a year.

This summer Şık told the German news agency DPA that both Gülen and Erdoğan must be brought to justice. Gülen and Erdoğan worked closely together until it came to a rift between the two.

First Arrested


Ahmet Şık’s first arrested (2011)

Turkey’s most prominent detainee, the veteran journalist and writer Ahmet Şık. Şık was arrested on March 3, 2011, as was his colleague Nedim Sener. Both work at newspapers belonging to the Dogan group. Şık works for the left-liberal Radikal, while Sener writes for Milliyet, traditionally the newspaper of Turkey’s intellectuals. Both journalists became famous through their books.

Their revelations have made the two writers icons of investigative journalism in Turkey and won them many awards at home and abroad. Hence the country was shocked when the two journalists were arrested in their homes at dawn on March 3. The police turned their residences upside down and seized computers, CDs and the journalists’ entire archives.

But the shock soon turned into indignation, when the charges against the journalists were made public. They are accused of being members of an ultra-nationalist underground organization called Ergenekon. The alleged network, which supposedly includes members of the military and hardcore Kemalists, is said to have attempted to overthrow the Islamic-conservative government of Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan from 2003 onwards using terror and disinformation.

As absurd as the accusations against Ahmet Şık and Nedim Sener are, they mark a turning point in the so-called democratization process that has been conducted by the ruling Justice and Freedom (AK) Party government under Erdogan, which has been in power since 2002. The first years of the new government, during which time the administration successfully brought Turkey closer to the EU, were characterized by a permanent confrontation with the military, which had previously been all-powerful.

During this period, journalists such as Ahmet Şık and Nedim Sener were also on the side of the AKP. They reported on human rights abuses committed by the military and the country’s intelligence agencies. But after the power of the military had been curbed by a joint effort by democratic forces, and the AKP had secured its power in the country’s institutions, investigative journalism suddenly became a nuisance for the ruling party. Indeed, journalists are even viewed as a threat, particularly at the moment, when the country is just two months away from crucial parliamentary elections.

The FETO aka Fetullah Gülen effect

To begin to understand Gülen, you must start with the history of the Nurcu movement. Said Nursî (1878–1960), a Sunni Muslim in the Sufi tradition, was one of the great charismatic religious personalities of the late Ottoman Caliphate and early Turkish Republic. His Risale-i Nur, disdained and sometimes banned by the Republic, nevertheless became the basis for the formation of “reading circles”—geographically dispersed communities the size of small towns that gathered to read, discuss, and internalize the text and to duplicate it when it was banned. Nurcus tend to say, roughly, that the Risale-i Nur is distilled from the Koran; non-Nurcus often find the claim inappropriate or arrogant.

Gülen’s movement, or cemaat, arose from roughly a dozen neo-Nur reading circles. Gülen was born in 1941 in a village near Erzurum, the eastern frontier of what is now the Turkish Republic.Gülen’s cemaat is by far the strongest Nurcu group in Turkey, described by many as Turkey’s third power, alongside Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdoğan’s increasingly authoritarian Justice and Development Party (known as the AKP, its initials in Turkish) and the military. The structure and organization of the cemaat are a subject of controversy. Members tend to be evasive not only about their relationship to Gülen but about the very existence of the cemaat; of late, some have urged Turks to use the word camia in its place. What’s the difference? Not much. Camia conveys looser ties; cemaat can mean “congregation,” whereas a camia is more like a circle. But the word cemaat has become so fraught with sinister overtones that rebranding was in order. Gülen himself calls his movement Hizmet, or service.

Funny part is, people who don’t support Fethullah Gülen sometimes call him Feto and him supporters -today haters- call this peoples judas.

Fetullah Gulen and Ak Parti leader Erdoğan was close friend. But after Erdoğan said “I will close all private teaching institution” they fall in fight. Beacuse of private teachin institution was huge income channel for Fetullah Gulen. After all this Fetullah  Gulen leaked Erdoğan’s corruptions tapes as counterattack.

In this video you can see ministers,mayors and Erdoğan are support Fetullah Gülen.


Erdoğan and Fetullah Gulen once upon time they was talking friendly

FETO, turns out it was a terrorist organization which had the capability of staging a coup in 2015.

Ahmet Şık, Call It

Ahmet Şık arrested by a court on Friday on charges of disseminating terrorist propaganda for the Kurdistan Workers’ Party (PKK), the Revolutionary People’s Liberation Party/Front (DHKP/C) and “FETÖ,” a derogatory term used by the government to refer to the faith-based Gülen movement, said in an interview on Dec. 14 that he was warned by a person in the ruling Justice and Development Party (AKP) about his impending arrest over a book project revealing links between jihadists in Syria and Turkey’s intelligence agency.

Speaking with prominent journalist Ayşenur Arslan in an interview on Halk TV on Dec. 14, Şık said he was warned by a trusted friend who was informed by a person in the AKP that he would be arrested as part of an investigation that goes back to 2014, when he was working on a book and a story detailing links between the National Intelligence Organization (MİT) and radical jihadist groups in Syria.

Şık has been openly critical of President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan and AKP as well as the Gülen movement. He has been questioning the arguments of the government about a coup attempt in Turkey on July 15 as he claims that Erdoğan played a role in plotting the coup.

In addition, he is disproved claims that the murderer of the Russian ambassador to Ankara, a police officer, has links to the Gülen movement. It was Şık who first wrote that the murderer was not investigated over Gülen links, unlike thousands of others in the police force.

Arrested Journalist in Turkey

At least 81 journalists are imprisoned in Turkey, all of them facing anti-state charges, in the wake of an unprecedented crackdown that has included the shuttering of more than 100 news outlets. The 259 journalists in jail worldwide is the highest number recorded since 1990

More Infos:

You can see Fetullah Gülen İnterwiev witch BBC; http://www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-25885817

Also you can see another successful journalist Asli Erdoğan who arrested and released interwiev; http://bbc.in/2k1zZlz








